About Performing Arts Lodges Toronto

Performing Arts Lodges (PAL) Toronto is a registered charity that helps performing arts professionals and affiliated industry members age-in-place. Recognizing the value these individuals add to Canadian culture and the financial challenges they often face, PAL Toronto offers affordable housing options in close partnership with the City of Toronto. This enables performing artists to continue living in the heart of our beautiful city alongside their creative community.

More than just bricks and mortar, PAL Toronto is a vibrant community. Our residents are distinguished performing artists, including recipients of prestigious awards such as the Order of Canada and the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards. At PAL Toronto, residents benefit from a supportive environment that fosters creativity and camaraderie.

I love living here and give thanks, every day, that I get to live in such a supportive community, in such a wonderful environment. I’ve been here for 15 years, and I’ve met so many people. Being home for two years, during Covid, and part of the time dealing with health issues, I appreciate all the support from everyone. Thank you, PAL People!

- Susan Greenfield