PAL Toronto provides affordable housing and a sense of community for professional performing artists and those in affiliated industries.
The current wait time for a bachelor, one bedroom or two bedroom unit, is between 7 to 10 years. However, PAL Toronto is seeking viable options to create a shorter time between your application's acceptance and a vacancy.
The goal is to expand the number of PAL Toronto units, within the City of Toronto’s core, to be available within a more reasonable span of a 2 to 5 year waiting period.
Executive Director, David Plant is actively engaged in forming a partnership with the City of Toronto's housing providers and establishing affiliations with corporate developers.
Eligibility Criteria
PAL Toronto will approve occupancy to applicant households where at least one member is working or has worked, as a professional performing artist, or in an associated occupation in Canada.
A performing artist is an individual who has become established as a performing artist, or in an associated occupation, as evidenced by the following:
Has devoted a substantial portion of their working life to the professional performing arts.
Has received income for their work in the professional performing arts, appropriate to the span of their career.
May have membership in a professional association appropriate to their activity in the performing arts, whose membership or categories of membership are limited under standards established by the association, or is a trade union, or is its equivalent appropriate to their artistic abilities or technical skills.
An associated occupation is an occupation within a corporation, association, guild, or union associated with the professional performing arts communities.
PAL Toronto is designated as an independent living building. All residents are required to take care of themselves or arrange for their own care, without undue disruption for the building, other residents, or building staff.
Application Process
PAL Toronto consists of 205 units: two-thirds are Rent Geared to Income (RGI), and one-third are Market Value.
The PAL Toronto Application package is for both Market and for Rent Geared to Income (RGI). Please click button below:
Apply for Market Value
Please proceed using the Application Package above.
In July 2021, the City of Toronto opened its online Rent Geared to Income (RGI) application portal for anyone applying for subsidized housing. In addition to completing the above Application Package, please go to MyAccesstoHousingTO.ca for details on creating an account.
This site is for all the City’s RGI housing providers, and you can mark off the housing locations you feel are appropriate – e.g. PAL Place
However, as PAL Toronto is a mandated building, you will not be placed on PAL’s waitlist until we confirm your eligibility directly with Access to Housing.
Please Note: you cannot be placed on PAL Toronto’s waitlist without an account with Access to Housing. As this could take several months, please apply immediately for an RGI Account.
Apply for Rent Geared to Income (RGI)
Subsidized Housing
RGI applicants will also need the Housing Booklet. Please click button below:
The PAL Toronto Application form and supporting documents to: applications@paltoronto.org
Regular Mail
PAL Toronto, RAC Office Suite #333 110 The Esplanade Toronto, ON M5E 1X9
The Residential Accommodation Committee (RAC) meets monthly, except in August or December, to review all applications for residency.
You will be notified of the Committee’s decision either:
The Committee may require more information.
Waitlist Information:
The current wait time for a bachelor, or one-bedroom unit, is between 7 to 10 years.
PAL Toronto is seeking viable options to create a shorter time between your application's acceptance and a vacancy.
The goal is to expand the number of PAL Toronto units, within the City of Toronto’s core, to be available within a more reasonable span of a 2 to 5 year waiting period.
Executive Director, David Plant, is actively engaged in forming a partnership with the City of Toronto's housing providers and establishing affiliations with corporate developers.
Supporting affordable housing for arts and culture workers
It is an unfortunate reality that availability of affordable housing is at crisis levels. If you need housing, please email:
admin@paltoronto.org Subject: Housing needs - urgent!
We will provide options to, hopefully, alleviate the pressure.
Once on the waitlist, it is your responsibility to keep your file current and active.
In the event your information is not up to date, and we're unable to get in touch with you, we will move on to the next person on the waitlist.
Rent Geared to Income (RGI) Waitlist:
PAL Toronto’s RGI waitlist is managed by the City of Toronto’s Housing Division.
Applicants are listed in order of the date the application is received and approved by the City of Toronto. Please go to MyAccesstoHousingTO.ca for more info.
For RGI applicants, the City's Single Offer Rule applies, allowing one offer of a suitable unit. Refusing the offer results in removal from the waitlist. Re-application is possible with a new application date, starting at the bottom of the list.
Market Value Waitlist:
PAL Toronto manages the Market Value waitlist.
Approved applicants are listed in order of the date their applications were received.
Market Value applicants are eligible for two offers of a suitable unit. Refusing both offers results in removal from the waitlist. Re-application is possible with a new application date, starting at the bottom of the list.
For Market applicants listed for a bachelor, one-bedroom or two-bedroom unit, the two-offer rule applies to both preferences. That is, two offers only, whether the offer is for a bachelor, a one-bedroom or two-bedroom unit.